Toasted Pita Nachos

It’s summer time, and quick, easy to throw together meals are the name of the game. Honestly, being a one-woman show means that most nights I just want to throw some popcorn on the stovetop and cozy up on the couch with a massive bowl of popped popcorn and an ice cold Diet Coke. I won’t tell you how many nights I’ve done that … there’s room for much judgment.

On the days when popcorn and Diet Coke just isn’t going to cut it, I crave easy-to-make snack-like dinners. I’m a snacker {could you tell when I mentioned popcorn for dinner?} I could live on Snack Boards. This is why I’m so in love with these toasted pita nachos.

Toasted Pita Nachos

Fun fact, you can make a full pound of the meat mixture by doubling all the ingredients, and then putting half away in a freezer-safe ziploack bag. Then, whenever you’re in the mood for Toasted Pita Nachos, defrost and use. The meat mixture is actually the basis for Palestinian-style stuffing. I’m talking anything from Stuffed Potatoes, Stuffed Zucchini, I even use it for Meat Pies. And the best part is that it stays in the freezer. I’m all about making things easy. If preparing stuffing and freezing it makes my life easier later. I’m on it!

Also, while homemade pita chips are much healthier and delicious {in my personal opinion}, you can cut some corners by using store-bought pita chips. If you’re concerned about oil/fat consumption, it’s just as easy to make pita triangles without any oil on 350 F for a few minutes – but keep an eye on them because they’ll burn.

Toasted Pita Nachos

Toasted Pita Nachos

Toasted Pita Nachos

Yield: 2 servings


  • 2 Medium Pita Bread Rounds
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil, divided
  • 1 cup Plain Yogurt
  • 1 Clove Garlic, smashed
  • ½ Onion, chopped
  • ½ lb Ground Beef
  • 1 tablespoon Seven Spice
  • Salt, to taste
  • Pine Nuts for Garnish
  • Chopped Parsley for Garnish


  1. Preheat oven to 400 F
  2. Prepare the pita by cutting the bread into 12 triangular slices. Pull apart any pieces that can be easily pulled without breaking.
  3. Place the pita triangles on a baking sheet, in an even layer and use 1 tablespoon Olive Oil to brush both sides of the pita.
  4. Bake for 10 minutes, check to see if you need to flip any of the pita triangles over, and continue baking (about 5 more minutes) until crispy and slightly browned
  5. Meanwhile, in a medium skillet, heat the remaining tablespoon of olive oil and sauté the onions until soft and yellow
  6. Add in the ground beef and use the spatula to break up the ground beef until they’re about a pea size or smaller. Continue cooking over medium-high heat until browned
  7. Add seven spice and salt
  8. Remove from heat
  9. To prepare the yogurt sauce, vigorously whisk together the yogurt and garlic until combined, and the consistency becomes smooth and runny
  10. Layer your nachos by first placing the pita triangles in the bottom of a serving dish, top with ground beef and then spoon on the garlic yogurt sauce.
  11. Optional: add toasted pine nuts and chopped parsley for garnish
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