
Strawberry Eshta Cream Tarts

Strawberry Eshta Cream Tart

I really love the idea of going to an orchard and picking your own fruits and vegetables. There’s an orchard out in Maryland that has pick your own fruits and veggies almost year-round.  A few weekends ago, I went with a couple of friends, and one friend’s three kids to pick strawberries. It’s the perfect activity for kids. It’s outdoors, they can play in the dirt, and they really feel a sense of accomplishment when they pick out the perfect strawberry. While the kiddos filled up little blue cartons, I went ahead and picked enough strawberries to last at least 6 months. I may have gone a little overboard. All I could think about were all the strawberry desserts I was going to make with all these strawberries. Needless to say, I ended up freezing most of them before they started to go bad… but not without making Strawberry Eshta Cream Tarts. (more…)

Farewell to Summer

Friday, September 23 marks the first day of fall. I’ve noticed because I’ve been pining for my boots and thick sweaters and we haven’t had a day over 80 degrees for two weeks. While fall brings us so many delicious flavors (and fabulous fashions) I’d like to bid summer farewell with a special strawberry salad.

Let me note that I really don’t believe in fruit in my salad or on my pizza (tomatoes don’t count). There’s something about mixing salty and sweet in a salad or on a pizza is not appetizing to me. However, I put my predetermined notions aside and took a risk, the result was a beautiful blend of summer flavors.



Strawberry Pecan Salad Recipe


Mixed Greens
Candied Pecans
Feta Cheese, crumbled
Organic Raspberry Dressing


 Wash Mixed Greens and cut the strawberries into slices.
Mix together mixed greens, strawberries, candied pecans and feta cheese.
Top with organic raspberry dressing.