
No Added Sugar Watermelon Coconut Popsicles

No Added Sugar Watermelon Coconut Popsicles

It’s been HOT. So hot. Unbelievably hot. Unbearably hot. I wouldn’t mind the heat if it wasn’t so humid too. That’s what I get for making Northern VA home. I shouldn’t be complaining though, it didn’t start warming up around here until mid-June. Then, inexplicably, we went from 60 F to 95 F seemingly overnight. Also, I shouldn’t be shocked. It is what it is, I guess. I’ll be complaining about the heat and humidity every year, every time we hit a heat wave. You can count on it.

The only thing we can do to beat the heat is stay indoors, where it’s nice and air-conditioned and snack on some No Added Sugar (as long as you don’t add the ganache) Watermelon Coconut Popsicles. (more…)

Peach Popsicles


It’s been upwards of 90 degrees for the last few days. We’ve been enduring a not-so-nice heat wave – which I’m hoping will subside by next week. When I saw “101” flashing at me from the thermometer in my car, I knew that light-colored clothing and water wasn’t going to be enough. I needed an icy treat that could keep me cool … that is, if it didn’t melt before I could enjoy it in its entirety. Enter fruit popsicles. The great thing about making your own popsicles, is that you can mix up the fruits and flavors however you like. (more…)