
Spinach and Feta Puff Pastry Slab Pie

I can’t believe we’re coming up on the end of 2018. How is it December already?! While I figure out how to get everything I need to get accomplished by the end of the year, let me tell you a little bit about one of my favorite ingredients; Puff Pastry.

You can find frozen Puff Pastry in the freezer section of your grocery store, and it is an absolute godsend. Puff Pastry is a buttery flaky dough used for savory appetizers and desserts alike. When you bake puff pastry it rises, because of the water used to make the pastry sheets. The water, mixed with heat makes the dough puff up. Frozen puff pastry comes in sheets [usually two in a box], which requires defrosting. The best way to defrost is overnight in the fridge. However, as we all know, I’m very impatient, so I defrost my puff pastry at room temperature, and slowly open up the folded sheets as they defrost, making sure not to break them.


Chicken Pot Pie Topped with Biscuits

Chicken Pot Pie

It’s that time, when the mornings and evenings get cooler, when we can’t figure out whether to wear a bulky sweater or a light jacket, when pumpkins are everywhere and people are happy because it’s early fall. Lucky me, I wake up for my day job before the sun comes up, which means I’m constantly debating whether or not I should be wearing a wool coat to work; only to realize that when I leave around 3:30pm that it’s a lovely 75 degrees and I’m overdressed for the heat. (more…)

Homemade Apple Pie

Apple Pie_2

Nothing screams early fall like apple pie, and apple picking of course! Nany and I have started a yearly apple-picking tradition where we pick a random weekend in September and head out to the apple orchard. Once we’ve collected more than enough apples, we drag them back to her house to create a mouth-watering dessert –with the help of her mom of course– for everyone to eat after lunch. This year, we took a special guest with us, we’ll call her Zee, and we had a fabulous time. Of the three of us, she was the one who wasn’t afraid to climb into, yes into, the trees to pick out the very best apples. (more…)

Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake

  pumpkin pecan cheesecake_4

The leaves have turned, it’s gotten pretty chilly and not to mention we had some snow flurries over the weekend. It can only mean one thing; Thanksgiving is right around the corner.

While some only remember to be thankful around the winter Holidays, I’ve been keeping up with counting my blessings year-round. And this year, I have so much to be thankful for. In Arabic, we say  Hamdellah [الحمد لله] which means Thank God, My list may be a bit long, but some of the major things I’m thankful for are: (more…)