I’m all for disguising healthy foods as unhealthy foods.
(more…)I’m all for disguising healthy foods as unhealthy foods.
(more…)I love myself some mac & cheese. Seriously. It’s like the best pasta ever invented. It has all good things– tons of cheese, and carbs. What better combo?!
(more…)Rrrroma! The only way to pronounce Rome, is to roll your R’s–obviously. I’ve been to Rome a handful of times, and each time is better than the last. I mean, it’s Italy people!!
The last time I was in Rome, some friends and I went to a cute little cucina italiana that was all brick, and all rustic and all amazing. I didn’t know what I wanted to eat that night, but I wanted something really good. I asked the chef for recommendations and he said “Cacio o Pepe!” I had seen it on the menu. The english translation: Cheese and Pepper Pasta. I’ll be honest, the translation was not that exciting and while I was super hesitant… I went for it. (more…)
Milano! One of the most coveted destinations for all things fashion. I’m telling you, the Italians know how to dress. And in my personal opinion how to eat!! It’s Italy, of course, where the espresso is like nothing you’ve ever tasted, the pizza is to die for, and the pasta is .. well it’s basically out of this world. Aside from the foods we traditionally think about when we think Italy, each region of Italy has its specialties. I’ve had the pleasure of visiting Rome, Venice, Florence, and now Milan. Each has its own character — from its must-see historic landmarks to the food. On my latest adventure to Milan, I had a very short amount of time to explore (less than 24 hours). So I did my research, planned out my sight seeing, and of course my meals. I had to try everything. (more…)
Let’s talk ovens for a minute. First off, I’m sure we’ve all heard this before but you really don’t appreciate how good you have it until you’re somewhere where everything is completely different. I love being in the kitchen. It’s my calm space, where I focus on food prep and do my deep thinking (except when people are trying to get in my way). But I never really considered that at home in cozy Northern Virginia everyone uses electric ovens. Sure, gas stove tops are commonplace. But I’ll be honest, I didn’t even know ovens still ran on gas. We’ll cough that up to ignorance and first world privilege. Well, as you can imagine, Toto we’re not in Kansas anymore (or Northern Virginia for that matter). And, you guessed it. I’m currently learning to use a gas oven. (more…)
I love those mornings when I wake up to a text from my brother containing a photo and the words “make this.” Which is exactly what happened a couple days ago. We live in the same house, about two doors apart and yet I haven’t seen him in days – probably because we’re each on a different schedule. But not seeing me regularly doesn’t mean he’s forgotten that I can cook up some good dishes. Enter the random text Monday night at 11:07pm. Where do you suppose he found this photo? From the Food Porn Twitter account, where else? And of course, he expects me to drop everything and have it ready to eat at a moment’s notice.
I let him drool for a couple days before I got to experimenting and then promptly surprising him on a random Wednesday afternoon. (more…)