
Instant Pot French Onion Soup

Instant Pot French Onion Soup

Would it be socially acceptable to live off soup for the entirety of the fall/winter? What about if I change it up? Hearty soups and light soups? Do I actually care what is socially acceptable and what isn’t when it comes to my food cravings? These are the questions I ask myself just as soon as the mornings and evenings get chilly and I find any and all excuses to start making soup. (more…)

Kubbeh Bel Sineyeh



Arabic food is tough. It may partially be because I psych myself out before cooking. I know there’s rarely such thing as a 30-minute meal and so I reserve cooking it to the weekends – if that.

My parents have instituted a once a week rule. That is, I’m required to contribute to the weekly cooking at least once a week. In theory, it’s a brilliant idea! In practice, it’s a bit more tricky. Especially since the days I pick, usually don’t work for the family. This last weekend, I decided to reserve Sunday lunch. I refused to discuss the menu with my mom ahead of time so that I could surprise her with my Arabic cooking abilities. (more…)

Cheesy White Bean Nachos

Cheesy white bean nachos_2  


Cheesy nachos at any Mexican restaurant can put a serious dent in your daily calorie count… if you’re counting. Step away from the cheesy nachos and look for something better. Before you start freaking out and guilt-tripping yourself out of cheesy nachos for life, try making your own. Oh the horror! Not having someone prepare it and serve it to you on a silver platter. Before you go complaining about how everything that tastes good isn’t good for you, try these cheesy white bean nachos. I promise, you won’t be slaving away in your kitchen for these. They’re easy for snacks or for an addition to Mexican night. (more…)