New Year

Pomegranate Chicken and Sweet Potatoes

Pomegranate Chicken and Sweet Potatoes


Happy New Year! We made it! Through all of 2018, through the holidays, through the ups and the downs and the in-betweens of last year. We did it. I’m so proud of us.

The first of the year is a time to look back and reflect on the last year. It’s a time to think about our successes, as well as our failures; to find ways to continue our success, and find ways to work through our failures. But most importantly, it’s a time to look forward. As cliché as it sounds, the new year really is clean slate. It’s fresh. It’s the good things we bring along with us and the not-so-great things we leave behind. The New Year is full of dreams, goals and opportunities. (more…)

Happy New Year 2013

The odd years have been good to me. I was born in an odd year, and graduated college and grad school in odd years … That’s not to say the even years haven’t been good either. After all, 2012 wasn’t a total waste.


A look back at 2012 … (more…)