Turning up the cozy level here with Crockpot Lentil Lamb Stew and a side of couscous. Anyone else trying to hibernate this winter? I sure am. Something about not as many sun hours and cold weather makes me want to cozy up with my favorite blanket and Netflix. Netflix is a blessing and a curse. Why? For one, I love being able to watch shows without commercial interruptions. I’m also the type of person that loses interest in a show if I have to wait an entire week for the next episode. My dreams have come true because now I can watch entire seasons. Yes, I know, welcome to 2018. The negative? I usually watch entire seasons in one sitting. And without commercials, I don’t really do much else, other than binge on whatever latest and greatest series I’ve decided to commit to. I know I’m not the only one who gets the dreaded “Are you still watching?” notice on the screen. Yes, I’m still here, 4pm, in the same PJs I had on since last night snacking and watching. Thanks for the reminder that I’ve accomplished next to nothing today. (more…)