
Pumpkin Kubbeh [Vegetarian]

Pumpkin Kubbeh [Vegetarian]

It’s officially pumpkin season! Well, in the U.S. anyway. Here in Jordan, not so much. The big bright orange pumpkins I’m used to seeing saturating every single store front and outdoor market are few and far between in October. I was surprised to see them at the Vegetable tent mid-summer. I’m talking Big Bright Beautiful Pumpkins all over mid-summer. What a strange sight to see. The Fall fanatic in me, however, couldn’t quite comprehend and waited until mid-October to start incorporating all things pumpkin into my weekly menus. Luckily Cozmos carries fresh pumpkins, and I found pumpkin Puree at Safeway. (more…)

Kubbeh Batata [Potato Kubbeh]

Kubbeh Batata (1)

From personal experience, sometimes just eating someone else’s cooking is a lot easier than trying to recreate it yourself (even when you asked the auntie what she would do). So here’s my story.

Once upon an amazing work project ago, I helped set up a number of media interviews for a high-ranking general. As part of that whirlwind experience, I, along with a journalist and TV crew were invited over to the general’s home for a feature on his daily life, and lucky for us his wife was making dinner and made us try her home cooking. The spread was definitely something to write home about. But I distinctly remember trying something I’d never had before – Kubbeh Batata. Well, that’s not true. I’ve had Kubbeh Batata in the form of a casserole – Palestinian-style, if you will. But this was different. This was little balls of kubbeh with a potato dough stuffed with ground beef. It was amazing, and I’ve only had it a handful of times after that, when I’m treated to Iraqi take out. (more…)

Kubbeh Bel Sineyeh



Arabic food is tough. It may partially be because I psych myself out before cooking. I know there’s rarely such thing as a 30-minute meal and so I reserve cooking it to the weekends – if that.

My parents have instituted a once a week rule. That is, I’m required to contribute to the weekly cooking at least once a week. In theory, it’s a brilliant idea! In practice, it’s a bit more tricky. Especially since the days I pick, usually don’t work for the family. This last weekend, I decided to reserve Sunday lunch. I refused to discuss the menu with my mom ahead of time so that I could surprise her with my Arabic cooking abilities. (more…)