
Spinach Halloumi Pasta

Spinach Halloumi Pasta

Let’s talk ovens for a minute. First off, I’m sure we’ve all heard this before but you really don’t appreciate how good you have it until you’re somewhere where everything is completely different. I love being in the kitchen. It’s my calm space, where I focus on food prep and do my deep thinking (except when people are trying to get in my way). But I never really considered that at home in cozy Northern Virginia everyone uses electric ovens. Sure, gas stove tops are commonplace. But I’ll be honest, I didn’t even know ovens still ran on gas. We’ll cough that up to ignorance and first world privilege. Well, as you can imagine, Toto we’re not in Kansas anymore (or Northern Virginia for that matter). And, you guessed it. I’m currently learning to use a gas oven. (more…)

Pesto Halloumi Sandwiches

Pesto Halloumi Sandwiches

I love cheese. Anyone who claims otherwise does not know me one bit. As a matter of fact, I would be the happiest person if I lived on bread and cheese for the rest of my life (and don’t forget my Diet Coke). I would also be the happiest person if I spent everyday in a place where it was 75 F and sunny. A girl can dream … (more…)