
Cardamom Cookies

It’s been a lazy Sunday. So lazy, in fact, that I’m still in my PJs and rocking my top bun and glasses at approximately 3:48pm. It’s only a matter of minutes before the sun sets and I enter pre-Monday mode.

Pre-Monday is my least favorite time of the week. It’s the time after the sun sets before Monday morning when you realize you’ve wasted an entire day doing nothing. Or maybe you had a productive Sunday, or a fun Sunday filled with adventure. In any case, Pre-Monday is when you start thinking about everything you need to accomplish by the time your dreaded alarm rings and wakes you out of slumber.


Salted Pistachio Cookies


Last week, I tried a 3-day juice cleanse. It was the hardest 8 hours of my life. I made it through the workday without coffee (because really, who drinks coffee without flavored creamer?) Half asleep for most of the day is not a way to live, or be productive. I downed 3 pre-packaged Blue Print juices before I couldn’t take it anymore. The green juice stank. It really made me mentally break down the process of inhaling before drinking out of a bottle because for the life of me I could not figure out how to drink it without wanting to vom. I still had the beet juice to look forward to [insert sick emoji here]. I made it through the entire workday before I got home and tore through the fridge and cupboards. Needless to say, that was the end of my juice cleansing days. (more…)