
Spicy Lebanese Potatoes [Batata Harra]

Spicy Lebanese Potatoes

Food is a universal language. I’ve realized through my blogging journey that so many countries within close proximity have similar foods. Most notably, Mediterranean food has so many similarities. Take, for example grape leaves. Everyone seems to have a version of grape leaves (each by a different name) The Greeks, the Turks, and the Arabs each make their own version of stuffed grape leaves with rice and meat, or vegetables. Sometimes they’re served cold and other times hot. Despite language differences, we can agree that grape leaves, in whatever shape or form, are delicious. We don’t even need to speak the same language. Food is a universal language. (more…)

Cilantro-Lime Rice


After spending some time with my mother this weekend, I decided to take some of her advice. Mom suggested I find a hobby to keep me busy since I’ve been getting bored lately. That would have been easy, if I could think of one activity that could keep me interested and entertained for a long period of time. Cooking can’t keep me busy all the time. That’s when I realized, it’s time to get cracking on my “Before I’m 30 List.” Yes. Such a list does exist. It started when I was 15 on a piece of college-ruled paper. When I got my first laptop, I digitized my list and have been crossing things off ever since. Some have heard about this list … not many have actually seen it, or know what’s on it. That’s probably because, I’ll admit, there are some things on there that I should have accomplished by now. (more…)

Chili Bowls

Chili Bowl

I credit my mom with this idea. Why serve chili in a plain old bowl when you can serve it in a bread bowl topped with melted cheese?

The chili recipe is not original by any means. I will openly admit that I asked my friend McCormick for some help. Conveniently, McCormick makes these easy-to-follow instructions with each packet of chili mix.

After a long day at work, chili was just what I needed to relax. I had a side of The X-Factor with my chili bowl. It was perfect.

Chili Bowl

Chili Bowls


  • 1 pkg. McCormick® Chili Seasoning Mix
  • 1 lb. lean ground Beef
  • 2 cans (8 oz. each) Tomato Sauce OR 1 can (14 ½ oz.) Diced Tomatoes, undrained
  • 1 can (15 to 16 oz.) Kidney or Pinto beans, undrained
  • Shredded Mozzarella or Cheddar Cheese
  • Kaiser Rolls


  1. Brown meat in large skillet on medium-high heat.
  2. Stir in Seasoning Mix, tomato sauce and beans.
  3. Bring to boil; cover. Reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. While the chili is simmering, cut the top of the Kaiser roll to form a small bowl – do not remove the insides.
  5. Once chili is cooked, spoon chili into the bread bowl, top with cheese and broil until the cheese melts. 
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