
Cacio e Pepe: Roman Cheese and Pepper Pasta

Cacio e Pepe

Rrrroma! The only way to pronounce Rome, is to roll your R’s–obviously. I’ve been to Rome a handful of times, and each time is better than the last. I mean, it’s Italy people!! 

The last time I was in Rome, some friends and I went to a cute little cucina italiana that was all brick, and all rustic and all amazing. I didn’t know what I wanted to eat that night, but I wanted something really good. I asked the chef for recommendations and he said “Cacio o Pepe!” I had seen it on the menu. The english translation: Cheese and Pepper Pasta. I’ll be honest, the translation was not that exciting and while I was super hesitant… I went for it.   (more…)

Instant Pot French Onion Soup

Instant Pot French Onion Soup

Would it be socially acceptable to live off soup for the entirety of the fall/winter? What about if I change it up? Hearty soups and light soups? Do I actually care what is socially acceptable and what isn’t when it comes to my food cravings? These are the questions I ask myself just as soon as the mornings and evenings get chilly and I find any and all excuses to start making soup. (more…)

Veggie Packed Spinach Artichoke Dip

Veggie Packed Spinach Artichoke Dip



I love dips. Love them. My only issue with restaurant dips and pre-packaged dips, is that I don’t know what they’re really putting in there. And also, why are they filled with so many calories? I got to thinking that there has got to be a better way to make my favorite dips with a lot less calories and without sacrificing taste.  Let’s be honest here, sometimes when calories are reduced, flavors dull. I’m not about that life. I won’t eat something that doesn’t taste good just to cut calories. So I set out to make “skinny/healthy” Spinach Artichoke Dip. (more…)

Pesto Halloumi Sandwiches

Pesto Halloumi Sandwiches

I love cheese. Anyone who claims otherwise does not know me one bit. As a matter of fact, I would be the happiest person if I lived on bread and cheese for the rest of my life (and don’t forget my Diet Coke). I would also be the happiest person if I spent everyday in a place where it was 75 F and sunny. A girl can dream … (more…)

Spinach Couscous Salad

Spinach Couscous Salad

It’s T minus 4 days until Noninna, my dearest friend’s Paris wedding. I cannot wait! It’s going to be one of the most magical weddings, I just know it. With her big day just around the corner, I’m struggling to stay away from all the leftover Halloween candy and chestnut praline latte’s – it’s been rough – and getting more greens and protein in. It’s kind of hard to want veggies when .. BREAD! (more…)