The easiest Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes — with a little help from boxed cake.
(more…)The easiest Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes — with a little help from boxed cake.
(more…)New Year, new me. Just kidding. That’s absolutely not true. There is, however, a new outlook. Do you ever feel like every once in awhile you need to just organize your entire life? Coincidentally, this time, it’s now … when everyone else in the world is making their New Year’s Resolutions. You know, the ones they’ll give up on in a month (or less). Usually, when I get into life organization mode, it’s some time randomly during the year. I have this Aha! Moment when I feel like I’ve either been lazy, unorganized or unmotivated and I just can’t stand myself, or my state of mind. So I start organizing. I revisit my productivity apps, start making grand plans for motivation and and I get on this really great roll… until I don’t anymore. (more…)
*Major Announcement* We’ve moved! And by we, I mean Me {and the blog}. Remember the whole part of my life where I have a day job? Well, that’s the job that actually pays the bills, and allows me to do all the fun things that I do from travel to fun activities — Oh right, and shopping! I was presented with an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. Which means, Measuring Cups Optional (MCO) and I are taking on a new adventure for the next couple years… in Jordan.
What does this mean for you, as the reader? Not much, really. You’ll still be able to access all the recipes on the blog. If you’re signed up for the newsletter, you’ll still get notifications when new recipes are posted. You’ll also be able to see all the recipes, and more on the Instagram Page. Products in The Shop and LiketoKnow.it are still available for purchase worldwide. (more…)
There’s nothing more gratifying or satisfying than using seasonal fruits in your baking. I think it goes hand-in-hand with my theme obsession. I think of seasonal fruit like seasonal themes. You enjoy them while they’re ripe and fresh, and then move on to the next new and fun fruit in the next season. That’s why I’m so excited about this Winter Pomegranate Spice Cake. (more…)
There are some things that are just staples of Fall. Call me basic, but the minute we switch over from September to October, I’m ready for all things pumpkin {within reason}. You will not find me walking around with a pumpkin spice latte– mostly because I’m still holding onto my coconut skim lattes from Peets Coffee. However, you will find little pumpkins scattered around the house, and of course, a glass pumpkin outside the front door. You’ll probably also come across the wafting scent of pumpkin desserts freshly baked at least once a week. The latest being Pumpkin Spice Sheet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. (more…)
It’s fig season, and what better way to celebrate than with Honey Almond Fig Cake. Fig season generally runs from August through October – so look out for tons more fig recipes from all your favorite bloggers.
Let’s talk about Figs for a minute. I love figs. It all started in Kindergarten when they used to pass out Fig Newtons during snack time. Remember those? I’m not going to lie, they were my favorite snacks. At the time, though, I did not make the connection between the sweet fruit-filled bar and the actual fruit. That mental connection didn’t happen until many years later. (more…)