
Chicken Pot Pie Topped with Biscuits

Chicken Pot Pie

It’s that time, when the mornings and evenings get cooler, when we can’t figure out whether to wear a bulky sweater or a light jacket, when pumpkins are everywhere and people are happy because it’s early fall. Lucky me, I wake up for my day job before the sun comes up, which means I’m constantly debating whether or not I should be wearing a wool coat to work; only to realize that when I leave around 3:30pm that it’s a lovely 75 degrees and I’m overdressed for the heat. (more…)

Date Truffles

Date Truffles_2

We’re about one-third of the way through Ramadan, and while it hasn’t taken too much of a toll on me, I have been indulging in my daily afternoon naps. I have to say, this is pretty much the only time of year I’m able to take a nap mid-day – and two-hour naps at that! You’d think that would mess up my sleep schedule, and in a way it has, but not too extremely. (more…)