
Starting Solids: How to Prepare Avocado for Baby

Starting Solids Tips

I can’t believe it! We’re here. Baby M is almost 5 months old and she’s ready to have her first solid food. I’m really excited to share what we feed her, how we prepare it and whether or not she liked it. We made the decision that Avocado would be her first food. This one is easy prep! But first, I want to talk about how we decided Baby M was ready for solids, and some of the things we did/ I encourage you to prepare before you start.


Southwest Corn Salad


I love spending time with my mom, and more importantly getting recipes from her. Lucky for me, she doesn’t live too far away. Over the weekend, on one of my weekly visits, she was going on and on about a new salad she’d tried out – something about corn and avocados. At the word avocados my ears perked up (think small puppy ears) and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the recipe. Next thing I know, she pulls out a Tupperware with leftover salad and starts going down the list of ingredients. That’s when I started my menu planning for the week, Sunday afternoon. It’s a really light salad, as the dressing is super simple. I’m not really one for complicated salad dressings. My dressing of choice is olive oil and lemon juice on most occasions. (more…)