Nicecream. It’s like ice cream, but it’s really nice to your body. At least, that’s how I like to think of it. If you haven’t heard of Nicecream, today is your lucky day. I am so excited to be trying out my first few batches of nicecream. What is niceream? Nicecream is banana-based ice cream. As a matter of fact, plain nicecream is just frozen bananas and it’s super easy to whip up and keep in your freezer for those days (or nights) when you just have to have something frozen and sweet but don’t want to snack on something heavy. (more…)
Goes on Almost Every Salad Sumac Dressing

When it comes to salad dressing, I like to keep it super simple. I’m not a fan of those complicated dressings with 101 ingredients that you have to go out and buy every time you want to try a new salad. Sure, I like to try new salad dressing combinations. But that’s not very often.
I have a go-to salad dressing that I use for basically all of my salads. The best part? It’s only 4 ingredients! Four ingredients that I always have in my pantry. I call it “Goes on Almost Every Salad Sumac Dressing.” Or “Salad dressing” for short.
(more…)Savory Fresh Herb Za’atar Muffins

One of my favorite things about living in Jordan, is that I have access to herbs that aren’t available in DC. Za’atar leaves, for example, are pretty much everywhere here in Jordan. When I lived in DC, I craved these za’atar leaves. I wanted them so badly, so I could use them in recipes like Fresh Zaatar Focaccia. Now, I’ve got the goods, and I intend to use them for nothing other than deliciousness. First item of business, Savory Fresh Herb Za’atar Muffins.
(more…)Arugula Cashew Pesto
I have this thing where I buy a ton of salad veggies with the intention of loading up on fresh salads all week. You know what really happens? I buy said salad veggies, put them in the fridge and then decide I’m not actually in the mood to eat salad.
Similar to using up those old bananas for Banana Bread, I use up my long-forgotten greens to make pesto. Arugula Cashew Pesto pasta just sounds so much better than a boring salad. We’re pretty much all familiar with the traditional basil pesto. What you probably didn’t know is that you can make just about any kind of pesto imaginable. The beauty of Pesto is that there are so many different ways to make pesto. By the end of this post, you’ll be able to make pesto out of just about any green leafy vegetable. I’ve already experimented with Parsley Pesto. (more…)
Turmeric Carrot Fries
Fruits and veggies here in Jordan actually have flavor. I’m talking every single fruit and vegetable. Gosh even cucumbers tastes like more than just water. It’s the most fabulous thing. I guess they haven’t gotten into genetically modified food yet. I really hope it never gets to that point because back in DC, unless you’re buying organic or from the farmer’s market, your produce is pretty bland. Honestly, all this freshness makes me want to eat all the produce and get creative with different ways to use them all. Case-in-point, Turmeric Carrot Fries. (more…)
Spinach Halloumi Pasta
Let’s talk ovens for a minute. First off, I’m sure we’ve all heard this before but you really don’t appreciate how good you have it until you’re somewhere where everything is completely different. I love being in the kitchen. It’s my calm space, where I focus on food prep and do my deep thinking (except when people are trying to get in my way). But I never really considered that at home in cozy Northern Virginia everyone uses electric ovens. Sure, gas stove tops are commonplace. But I’ll be honest, I didn’t even know ovens still ran on gas. We’ll cough that up to ignorance and first world privilege. Well, as you can imagine, Toto we’re not in Kansas anymore (or Northern Virginia for that matter). And, you guessed it. I’m currently learning to use a gas oven. (more…)