Date Coconut Baked Oatmeal

Date Coconut Baked Oatmeal

Rise and Shine! I’ve finally gotten my life somewhat together. After being sick for two weeks post Tanzania trip, my body is finally at 80%. That’s good enough for me. That means, back to weekly meal planning, finally joining a gym here in Amman and being as productive as possible at work and at home. 

Let’s talk breakfast. (more…)

Superfood Quinoa Tabbouli

Superfood Quinoa Tabbouli

It’s month two of 2020, and I have yet to make good on my life goals. Let’s just pretend January didn’t happen.. And start over this month. I actually started buckling down and meal planning for the week. Not just dinner, everything. Three meals.

I Love Tabbouli, I just don’t eat it in public very often. Mostly because, with the parsley chopped up so finely, I’m bound to have green leaves stuck to my teeth while talking to people. So embarrassing! In my attempts to avoid being the one with salad in her teeth, I only eat it at home, or family functions — because, let’s be real, family will not be shy to quickly point out that you’re looking all kinds of crazy with salad stuck to your teeth.

Superfood Quinoa Tabbouli

Why am I using Quinoa instead of the traditional Bulgur Wheat? I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that Quinoa is a superfood. It’s high in fiber and protein. Oh, and get this … it also has iron and potassium. Quinoa has about 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per cup. While Bulgur wheat has only about 5 grams of protein, but a higher fiber with about 8 grams of fiber. So why not make my Tabbouli Super extra filling with protein-packed Quinoa?!


Superfood Quinoa Tabbouli

Superfood Quinoa Tabbouli

Superfood Quinoa Tabbouli

Yield: About 6 Large Servings


  • 4 bunches Parsley, washed and dried, stems cut off
  • Juice from 2 Lemons
  • 4 large tomatoes, chopped into small pieces
  • 4 large cucumbers, chopped into small pieces
  • 4 green onions/ scallions, finely chopped
  • Salt, to taste
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 1 cup Quinoa


  1. Prepare the Quinoa by placing the quinoa and 2 cups water in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 15 minutes, until the water is absorbed.
  2. Finely chop the parsley by hand (labor intensive) or in a food processor.
  3. In a large bowl, mix together the parsley, tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions and cooked quinoa
  4. Add olive oil, salt and juice from 2 lemons
  5. Mix together really well. Tabbouli tastes better when placed in the fridge for about 30 minutes prior to serving.
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A Food Blogger’s Guide to Tbilisi: What to Eat {and Do} in Tbilisi

As usual, work trips leave me little time to explore the cities I visit. But I make it work as often as I can. In September, I was on a short work trip that gave me about two half days (a total of one full day) to explore and eat my way through Tbilisi and I made the most out of it. Tbilisi is the capital of the Republic of Georgia — a country slightly to the north east of Turkey. 

As always, before I go travel anywhere, I do my fair share of research. I look online, ask friends, and read lots and lots of reviews. I’m a big reviewer myself, and not just when things go wrong. I love to give positive reviews on Google and TripAdvisor as often as I can. All my reviews are honest and up front. Well, because that’s what I want when I read reviews. I always have a pre-planned idea for what I want to see, do and eat everywhere I go. It’s usually more of an outline because things change once I get to my destination. So, list in hand, I was ready to take on Tbilisi. 

I got into Tbilisi around 11am. By the time I got to my hotel and got in about an hour of relaxation and a shower, it was 3pm and I was ready to start exploring the city… on foot.  Tbilisi is very easily navigated by walking, if the weather is nice. Early September meant I was wearing a sweater and jeans comfortably. The evenings, however, required a light jacket. (more…)

Better For You Sheet Pan Carrot Cake

Better For You Carrot Cake

New Year, new me. Just kidding. That’s absolutely not true. There is, however, a new outlook. Do you ever feel like every once in awhile you need to just organize your entire life? Coincidentally, this time, it’s now … when everyone else in the world is making their New Year’s Resolutions. You know, the ones they’ll give up on in a month (or less). Usually, when I get into life organization mode, it’s some time randomly during the year. I have this Aha! Moment when I feel like I’ve either been lazy, unorganized or unmotivated and I just can’t stand myself, or my state of mind. So I start organizing. I revisit my productivity apps, start making grand plans for motivation and and I get on this really great roll… until I don’t anymore.  (more…)

Kale Chips with Garlicky Lemon Tahini Dip

Kale chips with Garlicky Lemon Tahini Dip

We’re pretty spoiled in America when it comes to the availability and variety of fruits and veggies. Sure, some things are seasonal, like cherries, peaches, persimmons and watermelon. But truly, if you really wanted something, you could find it. If you want watermelons in the middle of January, you’re going to find halved watermelons in the fridge.

In Jordan, not so much. Fruits and Veggies are truly seasonal. Remember when I was searching for Orange Pumpkins? Grape leaves are only fresh in the warmer months — even though, in my opinion, grape leaves and stuffed zucchini are super wintery to me. Persimmons and chestnuts are pretty much everywhere these days and apples and oranges have replaced the stacks of watermelons on the side of the road.

On the bright side, produce is super fresh. And guess what? It actually tastes really good. It’s Winter here in Jordan which means the kale I was searching for over the summer, is now in season. I stocked up on curly kale for salads but I decided to get a little bit creative. Truth be told, I wanted to make kale salad with crunchy chickpeas. But of course, I didn’t have any chickpeas. I wasn’t ready to give up just yet. Enter Kale chips with Garlicky lemon Tahini Dip….

Kale chips with Garlicky Lemon Tahini Dip  

Kale chips with Garlicky Lemon Tahini Dip

Kale Chips with Garlicky Lemon Tahini Dip


    For the Kale Chips
  • 1 pound curly kale, stems and large inner ribs removed
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • Salt, to taste
  • For the Garlicky Lemon Tahini Dip
  • ¼ cup Tahini
  • Lemon juice from 1 lemon
  • Salt, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon Plain Yogurt
  • About 2 tablespoons water


    For the Kale Chips
  1. Preheat the oven to 375 F (190 C).
  2. In a bowl, toss the kale with the olive oil, salt and one clove minced garlic
  3. Spread the kale into an even layer on a large baking sheet and place in the middle rack of the oven.
  4. Roast for about 15 minutes, making sure to shake the pan about half way through.
  5. For extra crispy kale chips, Turn the oven off and keep the kale in the oven for an additional 10-15 minutes
  6. For the Dip
  7. In a small bowl whisk together tahini, lemon juice, yogurt, 1 clove smashed garlic and salt until combined. Add some water if needed to create a creamy consistency.
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Instant Pot Hot Apple Cider

Instant Pot Hot Apple Cider

It’s officially winter in Jordan. Actually, I guess winter came along while I was home for Thanksgiving — my most favorite holiday ever. We’ve had a pretty long summer, and the warm days continued on until late November. When I got back, though, it was cold. I wouldn’t say Syracuse on a snow day cold. Or DC in December cold, but definitely significantly colder.

The problem isn’t so much that it’s cold outside… it’s that it’s cold inside. (more…)