Winter Break 2010 I went on a four-country tour of Europe with my mother. We spent the last leg of our trip in London. It’s a great city, if you don’t mind rain, gloom and cars coming at you from the wrong side of the road. It wasn’t all rain and gray skies. We enjoyed spending hours in Harrods and afternoon tea at The Savoy. And we even tried the oh-so-famous English Fish and Chips. Did I mention that they serve fish and chips with something called mushy peas? Well that was a shocker. Standing in a crowded pub trying to figure out how exactly to get my order in, and then not even being able to comprehend the words “mushy peas” on the chalkboard behind the register. Looking like the clueless Americans we were, someone finally explained that mushy peas were in fact, mushy peas. Kind of like mashed potatoes, but we’re talking about green peas here. In a very un-American like manner, I stepped out of my comfort zone and ordered said peas. The meal was everything I had expected (mushy peas aside) – Greasy and delicious. The peas weren’t bad either. It must be the English way of adding vegetables to their diet.

It’s not like you can’t find fish and chips here in the U.S., let alone the DC Metro area. But I’m definitely opposed to inducing high cholesterol and a potential heart attack.


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