Orange Spritzers_2


I have a serious obsession with brunch. If I could host brunch every weekend, I would be a very happy person. I mean, really, who doesn’t love eating around late morning/early afternoon, getting together with the girls, and eating perfectly portioned and styled foods? You get extra points if you can host at an outdoor venue on a gorgeous fall or spring day. The go-to brunch drink of most people’s choice is Mimosas. However, if you’re trying to keep your brunch a little less boozy, it’s time to venture into spritzers. They are so easy to make, you could whip up a pitcher-full as your guests take their seats.

I usually measure out most of my recipes, but this one is so simple, there’s really not need to. Also, that way, you can adjust the juice-to-fizzyness ratio to your liking. What’s great about these spritzers is that you can make them in any flavor — just change out the juice.

Orange Spritzers


  • Orange Juice (I used pineapple-orange juice)
  • Club Soda
  • Lime Juice
  • Orange Slices, for garnish


  1. In a large pitcher, fill about 1/4 of the pitcher with club soda
  2. Fill the rest up with orange juice
  3. Add 1-2 tablespoons lime juice and mix
  4. Pour into glasses garnished with orange slices
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