A few weeks ago I wanted to make chocolate-filled crescent rolls so I bought Hersheys chocolate squares and rolled them up. Those didn’t turn out so well. I didn’t melt the chocolate ahead of time so they turned into breaded chocolate disasters. This time, I tried out my favorite sweet treat, Nutella, and the crescent rolls turned out perfectly. They’re so easy to whip up.

Nutella Crescent Rolls


1 package Pillsbury Reduced Fat Crescent Rolls
8 teaspoons Nutella


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Lay each crescent triangle on a flat surface, place 1 teaspoon of nutella on the widest part of the triangle and roll into a crescent.
Place on a baking sheet seem down. 
Repeat with the rest of the crescent rolls.
Bake for 12 minutes.


Servings: 8

Nutrition Information: Cals 123. Carbs 16. Fat 6g. Sodium 223mg. Sugar 6g.