
2013 went by in the blink of an eye. Whether or not that’s a good thing is still debatable. It’s had its ups and it’s definitely had its downs. But seriously, what year hasn’t? 2013 was a year of discovery for me. I discovered some good things and some bad things and I’ve done my very best to focus on the good.

For the first time in a very long time, I don’t have a life plan. I’ve been life planning for 10 years, since senior year of high school and yes, at year 10 I have no 5-year, 10-year or 20-year life plan. I’ll be taking on 2014 one day at a time. I do have a few resolutions to ring in the New Year.

In 2014 I resolve to …

  • Get back to working out – I have a boxing membership that I pay and have barely used. And let’s also mention that I made a big fuss about moving the treadmill to a space with TV access … only to never use it. It’s time for me to focus on the important things, my health and my weight.
  • Start and Finish my personal projects — I have a number of little projects I’ve been working on and it’s time to put the pedal to the metal and jump-start some of the campaigns I’ve thought through, but haven’t implemented.
  • Save, Save, Save! I cannot remind myself enough times how I still haven’t figured out how to grow a money tree. And therefore, I should be putting some money away for a rainy day, as my dad says.
  • Travel more. I’m still working on my “Before I’m 30” List and I have some more destinations I need to check off.
  • Take MCO to the next level. I finally vamped up my About Me and Contact pages and have been focusing a ton of my energy on MCO. This year, I want to take MCO to another level. Look for more Fabulous additions to the blog!

Goodbye 2013. You’ve been one hell of a year … Hello 2014!! I cannot wait to find out what you have in store for me.

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Bring it on 2014!