The odd years have been good to me. I was born in an odd year, and graduated college and grad school in odd years … That’s not to say the even years haven’t been good either. After all, 2012 wasn’t a total waste.


A look back at 2012 …

I made the big jump from PR Firm to In-house Communications Director. It was a major change, but I found that this is what I enjoy doing. The coolest part? I get to travel the world, literally. This year, I visited a total of 6 countries (not to include home) for work and leisure.

Among other things, my not-so-baby brother graduated from high school and started his first year in college (and I’m still editing his papers), I crossed a few things off my Before I’m 30 List, and started planning for after 30.

Measuring Cups, Optional has been growing steadily with more recipes and more subscribers. The blog also went through a design overhaul. I’ll be sticking with this one for a while. My food photography has improved, but I’ve got a ways to go before I really get the hang of it. I’m thinking I need to find a space in the house for a mini studio.


Best of 2012_Measuring Cups Optional


I want to thank all my readers (and Instagram followers). I didn’t even realize how many people keep up with my cooking. I’ve gotten so many compliments. It’s something out of this world when people tell you they read your blog, see your food photos on Instagram and that they’ve tried your recipes out  – and liked them! So thank you for reading (stalking), experimenting and commenting.


2013 …

I’m really looking forward to 2013. As expected, it will be a year full of changes. Some predictable, and some not-so-much. Like all the odd years before, I hope that 2013 brings me just as much excitement and happiness.

I’ve just begun when it comes to travel.  I will continue to go to new and exciting places.

Measuring Cups, Optional will always be my hobby. It’s not surprising that even after a long, stressful day I find it therapeutic to make dinner, or dessert. A little odd, isn’t it? This year I’ll continue sharing my experiments.

I can’t predict the future. But since we’ve survived the end of the world, we’ll have many more years of happy changes, and resolutions. Happy New Year! I hope you follow through on all your resolutions – even the losing weight ones.