Rotisserie Chicken and Garlic Yogurt Salad

We’re keeping it simple today with Garlic Yogurt Chicken Salad. No fuss, no mess, no extra dishes. I just haven’t had the time to deal with complicated dishes.

I’ve been MIA on the blog front for the last two weeks. While no excuse is a good enough excuse, I have to tell you guys what I’ve been working on. It’s been a combination of social overscheduling, craziness at work, and working on some new additions to the blog.

I hope you’re following MCO on Instagram. For those friends/followers who do, we haven’t completely lost touch. I’m always updating MCO’s story with everything from what I’m cooking to what I’m eating, to some of the fun activities I’ve been doing. So even when I’m bogged down with my life outside of the blog, I’ll always have some time for Instagram. Real talk: I love hearing from you guys. It makes my day when you reply to my stories, or send me messages.

Now, you’re probably wondering, and waiting to find out what’s new here at MCO. Are you ready for the unveiling of two fun and exciting additions to Measuring Cups Optional?

  1. Notice anything different? How about MCO’s new logo? It’s taken some time, but I finally decided on something I’m in love with, and it’s here to stay. MCO has been long overdue for rebranding. I’ve finally committed the time and energy to making it happen. I hope you all love it. Now, all MCO’s social media pages will feature the new logo.
  2. I’m also really excited to announce the addition of “The Shop.” The Shop is where you can see, and buy, all my favorite kitchen gadgets. I use so many different things and I want to be able to share them with you. Moving forward, if I reference a certain kitchen tool or gadget, or you see something on my Instagram story, you’ll be able to find it in The Shop. To get there, click on “The Shop” in the menu bar from any page on the blog.

Like the new changes? Let me know what you think in the comments!

Stay tuned for more …. in the meantime, let’s enjoy some Garlic Yogurt Chicken Salad.

Garlic Yogurt Chicken Salad


Garlic Yogurt Chicken Salad

Garlic Yogurt Chicken Salad

Rotisserie Chicken and Garlic Yogurt Salad

Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 lb Rotisserie chicken, shredded
  • 1/2 Red Onion, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon Sumac
  • 1 tablespoon Seven Spice
  • Salt, to taste
  • 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice
  • 1 clove Garlic, minced
  • 1 cup Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt
  • 1 medium pita bread
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


  1. In a large bowl, mix together chicken, onions, sumac, seven spice and salt until well combined
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together plain yogurt, lemon juice and garlic
  3. Slowly stir in the yogurt with the chicken until coated
  4. Cut the pita bread into triangles, place on a baking sheet and brush with olive oil
  5. Broil for 2-3 minutes, flip over and broil for another 1-2 minutes until slightly browned and crispy
  6. Serve the toasted pita bread with the chicken salad
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