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Completely unrelated to cooking, I’ve gotten several questions from my friends and followers about how I get my hair to curl so well. I’d love to say I get it done at the salon everyday but that’s far from the truth. Honestly, once I figured out how to do my hair at home, I prefer doing it myself than having a salon touch it. My biggest frustration is when they concentrate on getting my bangs perfectly placed and I end up with over-hair sprayed strings hanging down the side of my face.

Let me also mention that because my hair is wavy and the individual strands are thin, lucky for me my curls only hold up 3/4 of the year, that is, in the spring, fall and winter. Once it rains or humidity kicks in – and humidity in the DC area is far from bearable – forget it. I rock the “beach wavy” look all summer long.

So what’s the trick? Hot rollers.












I prefer ones that have multiple size rollers. Like this Conair Ion Shine Instant Heat Hair Setter.

It’s so simple, why didn’t you think of it before?! The best part is, you can continue getting dressed, putting on your makeup and even having a light breakfast or snack – like, let’s say a fruit and yogurt parfait – while your hair sets.


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Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits and the Secret Behind My Curls


  • 2 cups Non-Fat Vanilla Greek Yogurt
  • 2 cups sliced Strawberries
  • 2 cups Blueberries
  • ½ cup Granola


  1. Begin layering the parfait in tall glasses
  2. Blueberries first, then yogurt, then strawberries then yogurt
  3. You can use a spoon to make sure the yogurt covers the fruit evenly
  4. Top with granola
  5. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve
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