Some foods bring back such vivid memories. When I think about Moghrabiyeh, I’m transported to my Tayta’s dining room, with cousins aunts and uncles all sitting around massive bowls of Moghrabiyeh.
(more…)Some foods bring back such vivid memories. When I think about Moghrabiyeh, I’m transported to my Tayta’s dining room, with cousins aunts and uncles all sitting around massive bowls of Moghrabiyeh.
(more…)We made it through Thanksgiving! I’m sure everyone is poultry-ed out, but I couldn’t help share this One Pan Parmesan Sage Chicken and Butternut Squash. Not only is it super easy to throw together (#winning), it’s also super cozy on a chilly winter night. So if you haven’t had enough poultry to last you through the end of the year, you have got to try this One Pan Chicken and Squash dish. (more…)
I know I’ve been quiet on the blog front over the last couple months. It seems like at least once a year, my life gets a little hectic and I let the blogging slip. That’s not to say I haven’t been active on social media. If you follow Measuring Cups Optional on Instagram, you’ll see I’ve actually been up to a whole lot! (If you aren’t, you’re missing out on some delicious stories and posts). Let me tell you what I’ve been up to … but first, these Musakhan Rolls! (more…)
We’re keeping it simple today with Garlic Yogurt Chicken Salad. No fuss, no mess, no extra dishes. I just haven’t had the time to deal with complicated dishes.
I’ve been MIA on the blog front for the last two weeks. While no excuse is a good enough excuse, I have to tell you guys what I’ve been working on. It’s been a combination of social overscheduling, craziness at work, and working on some new additions to the blog. (more…)
Middle Eastern Roasted Chicken and Vegetables is one of my favorite comfort foods. Comfort food by definition is, ” food prepared in a traditional style having a usually nostalgic or sentimental appeal.” For most, that means lots of carbs and lots of sugar. For me, comfort food really does fit the Merriam Webster definition, that is, a traditional dish that brings back childhood memories. So what is it about One Pan Middle Eastern Roasted Chicken and Vegetable Bake that makes me nostalgic? I have so many childhood memories of being at my Tayta’s around dinner time. She’d whip up her chicken and vegetable bake. She always had a way of making even the hardest dish seem easy to pull together. It must be all her years of cooking for 8 children. Yes, eight. The apartment always smelled amazing. It was wafting with aromas from a mix of garlic, onion and Arabic spices that made me practically drool as I waited not-so-patiently in the family room watching TV. (more…)
It’s that time, when the mornings and evenings get cooler, when we can’t figure out whether to wear a bulky sweater or a light jacket, when pumpkins are everywhere and people are happy because it’s early fall. Lucky me, I wake up for my day job before the sun comes up, which means I’m constantly debating whether or not I should be wearing a wool coat to work; only to realize that when I leave around 3:30pm that it’s a lovely 75 degrees and I’m overdressed for the heat. (more…)