Buffalo Chicken Dip_2

It’s been a while, I know. My last post was over two months ago and I appreciate my loyal followers who haven’t given up on me yet! Thank you, thank you.

What happens every once in a while is that I get so caught up with work and other things in my non-blogging life that I don’t take the time to work on new posts. It’s been an action-packed two months, with weddings and birthdays and some fun adventures including rock climbing, kayaking and a weekend trip to Vegas with a pit stop inside the Grand Canyon. I’m happy to report that I can now cross both those off my bucket list. I’ll also admit that since Memorial Day weekend, I’ve been spending my lazy weekends poolside working on my tan – slowly but surely.

I’m so excited Summer is finally here. For one, warmer weather means more pool time. I also love summer because unlike the rest of the year, everyone seems to work on a slower burn. More casual Fridays at work, more opportunities to do outdoor activities and really, a fun time to experiment with food. Because, if you know me on a personal level … I love to eat!

So don’t fret my fabulous followers, I’ll have a few new things up on the blog soon, I promise!

Buffalo Chicken Dip

Buffalo Chicken Dip


  • 1 Can Chicken
  • 1 cup wing sauce
  • 1 cup ranch dressing
  • 2 cups cheddar cheese shredded, divided
  • 1 package cream cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 350 F
  2. In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together except one cup of cheese
  3. Pour into a cast-iron skillet or large baking dish
  4. Top with remaining cheese
  5. Bake for 25 minutes, until bubbly
  6. Serve with celery, carrots or your favorite chips
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