One of my favorite soups at Panera, is their broccoli cheese soup. Some days, usually in the winter, I like to indulge in a bowl of Panera’s broccoli cheese soup … in a bread bowl. And yes, I eat the whole bread bowl too. Unfortunately, those indulgences lead to the small needle on my scale tipping in the wrong direction the next morning. But every woman should indulge in food, every once in a while. I try to keep from ordering the bread bowl unless it’s a serious emergency. And by emergency, I mean having the bread bowl rather than eating practically everything with carbs at home. Who’s to say I don’t balance everything out by having lettuce for dinner, or foregoing dinner altogether.

There are a few kitchen experiments I play to tackle during my time as house wife (and future house mom) one of them is desserts, and the other is soup. I’m still working on my lentil soup which isn’t turning out anywhere near my mom’s. Mom is amazing when it comes to soup, but it can be because of the soup make she uses (check Morphy Richards 48822 review). Some of my favorites include squash soup, corn and scallop soup and salmon soup. So when I made broccoli cheese, I was happy to announce that it turned out really good. Well, except for the fact that I totally forgot to add salt.


Adapted from Pham Fatale


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