Take Your Lunch

It’s the end of the year, a time when most of us look a little more closely at the numbers in our lives — namely the numbers in our bank accounts and on our scales. That’s when we realize the number in our bank account is slowly decreasing while that pestering number on the scale seems to be increasing by day. So how do I get those numbers to have reverse effects?! I’m looking for the number on the scale to go down, while the number in my bank account to go  up.

Recently, I’ve been inspired by a new addition to the office who brings her lunch to work every day (we’ll call her Bee). Bee mainly brings in leftovers from the previous night’s dinner (brilliant!). And I always get to taste. She’s a great cook, by the way. So what’s a girl like me to do, when most nights I don’t make dinner and if I do, I don’t really make enough to have leftovers? Get creative, that’s what. I will admit, the first day I was in a frenzy and ended up packing lettuce, tuna and crackers — let’s not forget a can of Diet Coke. I was not a happy camper the next day. But, since then, I’ve started pre-planning my lunches. Yes, some days I throw a lean cuisine into my work bag and call it a day.

How much am I spending on average? Let’s take a look at the numbers:

AM Coffee – $8/week
Lunch – $75/week
Daily Diet Coke – $8.75/week

That’s roughly $91/week, give or take, on just food and drink for one person, not counting dinner! We’re talking more than $360 a month! I don’t know about you, but until I figure out how to grow a money tree in my backyard, that money could be better spent (or saved) on other things.

Though I’m not that great at Math (see my About Me page), the numbers don’t lie. That’s why I’ve started my very own 5 Day Working Girl Lunch Challenge. The goal is to make 5 healthy lunches for work by buying groceries once and re-using them throughout the week. I will admit that a number of the ingredients I already have in my kitchen. I’m sure many of you do as well. Also, since we got a new pre-set timed coffee maker, I’ve been bringing coffee in from home as well. Hello Pumpkin Spice Creamer!


The 5 Day Working Girl Lunch Challenge

Day 1

Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad

Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad_2


For the salad
½ Chicken Breast
Spices, to taste [I used a salted herb mix I found in the cupboard]
Parmesan Cheese
For the dressing
3 tablespoons Mayo
1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
Anchovies, drained and chopped
1 clove Garlic, minced
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan Cheese


The Salad
Heat your Panini Grill
In the meantime, cut one chicken breast in half and put one of the halves away
Place the chicken in a ziplock bag and pound until thinned out
Add desired spices and place on the Panini grill, cook for about 10-15 minutes, until browned
Mix together the lettuce, croutons and parmesan cheese
Add the chicken and toss with the dressing
The Dressing
In a small bowl, mix together the mayo, lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce
Add in the garlic, anchovies and grated parmesan until mixed well


Servings: 1 [with dressing and Croutons]

Nutrition Information: Cals 203. Carbs 9g. Fat 11g. Protein 16g.


Day 2

Caprese Panini Melt + Tomato Soup

Caprese Panini_2

2 slices Mozzarella Cheese
1 tablespoon Pesto Spread
½ Heirloom Tomato, sliced
3-4 Basil leaves
2 Thick Slices of Bread


Spread the pesto sauce on both slices of bread
Layer the Basil, Tomato and Mozzarella onto one slice
Then place the second bread slice on top
Using a Panini grill, place the sandwich on the Panini grill and press down to cook


I cheated and bought boxed tomato soup. I just don’t have the best luck when it comes to making tomato soup. But I love it!


Servings: 1

Nutrition Information: Cals 243. Carbs 31g. Fat 8g.


Day 3

Chicken Salad Sandwich +Hummus and Celery


Skinny Chickn Salad

This one was easy. I posted a Skinny Chicken Salad Sandwich Recipe on the blog before. Using pre-cooked chicken makes this super simple. Considering we only used half of a chicken breast on Day 1, you have plenty of chicken to spare. Grill it, bake it or boil it then shred it up.

Costco is great for way too many reasons for me to list out. One of which is snacks. Yea, you might have to have an extra-large pantry or fridge to hold the quantity you’re required to buy. But if you use them up, it’s worth it. By the dips, you’ll find these to go-sized cups of hummus. Pack a pita, pita chips or pretzel thins and you have a healthy snack or addition to your lunch without a hassle.


Day 4

Caprese Pasta Salad +Tomato soup


Caprese Pasta Salad

1oz Mozzarella Cheese
1 Heirloom Tomato
¼ can Pitted Black Olives
1 tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
2 cups Penne Pasta, boiled and drained
Chopped Basil leaves, to taste
Salt, to taste

Boil the penne as directed, drain and place in a large bowl
Add the olives, tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil
Toss with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and salt

Remember that box of tomato soup from Day 2? I stuck the other half of the box in the fridge and ate the rest on Day 4.


Servings: 2

Nutrition Information: cals 345. Carbs 52g. Fat 9g.


Day 5

Grilled Pesto Chicken Sandwich + Caprese Pasta Salad

Grilled Pesto Chicken Sandwich



1 Chicken Breast
1 tablespoon Pesto Spread
2 Swiss Cheese Slices [or any other cheese you like]
2 slices thick bread


Heat your Panini grill
Place the chicken breast in a ziplock bag and pound until thinned out
Without removing the chicken, add the pesto to the ziplock and spread over both sides of the chicken
Remove from ziplock and grill until cooked through
Place the grilled chicken on bread, add the cheese and top with the second slice of bread
Place in the Panini grill and cook until the cheese is melted and the bread is browned

My thoughts at the end of the week

I honestly looked forward to prepping my lunch and eating it! It was a bit time consuming, but that’s why prepping the night before helped a lot. At first, I had to leave myself a note on the fridge reminding myself to take lunch out and bring it with me. Then it became routine. It also helped that I found out the car has a distance-start button – which I take full advantage of. Wake up, get dressed, start the car from distance, prep my coffee, pack up my lunch, leave for work. It’s brilliant.

So what did I do with the money saved this week? I’ll be honest, Express was having a 50% off sale and I just couldn’t resist. But next week’s money saved will definitely not be spent (I hope!)

What have I learned from this challenge? Bringing lunch from home is not that difficult and a major money saver; especially when you realize that most of the ingredients are already in stock in your kitchen. Until next month’s challenge, I’ll just be packing left overs …


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